Introverts in the world of video chats: how to feel comfortable?
It often happens that the open space of online communication can become a kind of test for introverts. Video chat, where you need to communicate with a complete stranger, can cause stress and discomfort. Yes, this situation looks quite scary, but at the same time, it can be an opportunity to overcome internal fears and doubts. The question is, how to cope with this and start feeling free in communication in video chat?
First of all, it is important to understand that there is no need to be the center of attention. Video chat is a communication space where you can express your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. You do not need to demonstrate perfect communication skills or be a cheerful, open person. Moreover, many people here are looking for sincerity and deep communication.
The second piece of advice is to set your boundaries. This means that you can control the communication at your own discretion. This means that at any stage you can stop the communication if you feel uncomfortable. You can regulate the duration of communication, giving yourself time to recover after each communication in a video chat.
And the last thing is practice. As the proverb says, practice makes a master. This does not mean that you need to spend all your free time in video chats. It is enough to set aside some time for communication in a video chat to get used to this format of communication.
It is important to remember that your comfort and confidence are of paramount importance. There is nothing wrong with being an introvert. It's part of your unique personality, and you can use it to improve your video chat communication skills.