Recognizing lies in online communication: useful tips and techniques
Ivan noticed that his interlocutor often changes the topic of conversation and avoids discussing specific issues. He felt that something was wrong and wondered: is someone trying to deceive him in this online video communication? To understand how to identify a lie, convey this feeling to the interlocutor and not be left in a situation of misunderstanding, you need to know certain techniques and signs of deception.
The first thing you should pay attention to is non-verbal signals. Video chat allows you to see the facial expressions and gestures of the interlocutor. Signs of deception may include frequent blinking, rubbing the nose, restless behavior, or avoiding eye contact.
Second, analyze the structure of his speech. If a person often gets confused, jumps from topic to topic, does not answer questions directly, and pauses for long periods before answering, this may indicate a lie.
It is also important to identify contradictions in words. Ask clarifying questions to check how consistent the interlocutor's statements are. If there are inconsistencies in his words, he may be trying to deceive you.
Finally, trust your intuition. If you feel like something is wrong, perhaps you should listen to your inner voice and be on guard.